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Oundle Horticultural Society
Oundle Horticultural Society

Oundle Horticultural Society
Oundle Horticultural Society

Oundle Horticultural Society
Oundle Horticultural Society

Oundle Horticultural Society
Oundle Horticultural Society
Oundle Horticultural

How to Enter
If you would like to enter exhibits in the show please read the notes below:-
Read all the possible classes - there are links to all the sections of classes on the Classes page.
Read the General Rules page.
Take note of any section specific rules listed under the relevant class sections.
Take note of the times and details below for Staging of Exhibits, removal of exhibits, presentation of cups & prizes and collection of prize money.
Print a copy of the entry form.
Complete all your details on the form noting the class numbers you wish to enter in the boxes, for each exhibit. If you want to make two entries in one class enter the class number followed by 'x2'.
Remember, you may not put more than two entries in any one class.
You do not have to be a patron to enter, but non-patrons are required to pay a small entry fee. Entry fee - 30p per class for the first 5 classes entered, thereafter free.
If you would like to become a Patron please see the details on the 'Join' page. You can either complete a Patrons form or join when completing the entry form.
Post or deliver your completed form, with any payment, to one of the addresses on the form by the Closing Date.
If you have any questions, please contact a member of the committee or email
Closing Date for Entry Forms:
Entry forms must be received by the Society no later than 8.00pm on WEDNESDAY 10th July 2024
Post or deliver your completed entry form to one of the following:
Mrs S Elwell
6 St Peters Road, Oundle
07443 411465
Mrs A. Wallace
5 Kings Road, Oundle
01832 272318
If you would prefer a printed version of the show schedule & entry form you can collect one from various locations in Oundle (Oundle Library, Fletton House, The Barn Garden Centre) from May until the show. If you are unable to find one then please contact us - see Contacts Page and we will be able to tell you where you can collect one from.
Staging of Exhibits;
Exhibits must be staged at the show at the following times:
Art classes (Section I) and Children's Art must be brought to the venue on:
Evening of Friday, 12th July 2024 - 6.00pm to 8.30pm
All other classes
Evening of Friday, 12th July 2024 - 6.00pm to 8.30pm or
Morning of Saturday, 13th July 2024 - 7.30am to 10.00am
Staging of the exhibits must be completed by 10.00am on Saturday and the venue vacated in readiness for the judging.
It will not be possible to accept entries for any art class (including children’s art classes) on Saturday 13th July, due to the time required for setting out, by the stewards.
No exhibits are to be removed before 5.00pm, on Sunday, 14th July 2024
Exhibits should be collected on Sunday 14th July 2024 between the hours of 5.00pm and 6.00pm. Exhibits remaining after 6.00pm will be disposed of at the discretion of the committee.
Presentation of the Cups and Prizes.
Cups will be presented to the winners at 4.45pm on Sunday, 14th July 2024.
Prize Money
Prize winners are requested to claim their prizes from the Treasurer on Sunday, 14th July 2024, between 3.00pm
and 5.00pm.

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