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Oundle Horticultural Society
Oundle Horticultural Society

Oundle Horticultural Society
Oundle Horticultural Society

Oundle Horticultural Society
Oundle Horticultural Society

Oundle Horticultural Society
Oundle Horticultural Society
Oundle Horticultural

How to Join!
Becoming a Patron (Member)
The subscriptions, generously paid by our patrons each year, help the society to put on our Summer Show, which has been a local event for over 100 years.
As a patron you will receive the following benefits for one calendar year:
A copy of the new Show schedule delivered to your door (April/May)
Free admission to the Summer Show, at all public opening times.
Unlimited free entries in the show (subject to the maximum limit of two entries per class)
Discounted entry to our evening talks.
Access to discounted seed ordering scheme through the Society (subject to availability).
If you would like to become a Patron of the Society, and help to continue a local tradition, please print off and complete a patrons form.
Annual Membership is £5/person. Standing order preferred but other options are available.
Please send your completed form & payment by post to the address given on the form or email to
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