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Section B - Flowers

Rules for Flower Classes


  • Cut flowers should be in a suitable, stable container.
  • Exhibitors are reminded to ensure pots are of correct size.
  • Pot sizes are the top inside diameter or inside diagonal of square pots.
  • All pot plants should be in clean pots with a drip tray.
  • Class 20 - Orchids must have been grown by the exhibitor for a minimum of six months.


Cups and Awards for Flower Classes


for best exhibit in section B excluding class 6 & pot plants
for the best six Roses in class 6
for the best pot plant in section B, excluding classes 27 and 28
for the best vase of Dahlias in classes 16 to 18 incl.
The Royal Horticultural Society's BANKSIAN MEDAL will be awarded to the competitor who obtains the largest total amount of money in prizes in the whole of the Horticultural classes (Sections A, B, D and F but excluding Section E - Master Gardener).


The competitors who won the medal in the previous two year's show are not eligible to win the medal this year.

This is a Royal Horticultural Society ruling.

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